
Prodways announces the signature of a new partnership in Japan with Altech Group and the first sale of 3D printers via a partner in Korea.


At the opening of the international expo on 3D technologies and DMS additive manufacturing, to be held from June 22 to 24 in Tokyo, Prodways announced the signature of a new partnership with the company Altech Group in Japan, as well as the first sale of 3D printers via a partner in Korea.


  • Altech Group : an expert of additive manufacturing in Japan

Altech Co., Ltd (TSE: 9972) is a company specialized in the import and sale of printing and packaging machines. Since its creation in 1976, Altech has expanded its product range to offer all manner of equipment, including chip cards, security and nanotechnology features, plastic/metal casting, 3D printing, equipment to fill medical products, for food processes and water treatment, as well as recycling and waste management equipment. Based in Tokyo, Altech Group enjoys sales coverage spanning China, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam.
On the high-value market of Japan, Altech will offer Prodways’ powder sintering solutions providing high productivity, effective thermal stability, and a broad portfolio of innovative materials. In addition, Prodways’ industrial plastic 3D printers boast an open materials strategy conducive to the creation of innovative applications.
In order to launch this collaboration, Altech will highlight the Prodways technology during the DMS Show (Design & Engineering Manufacturing Solutions Expo) – to be held in Tokyo from June 22 to 24 – the largest 3D technologies and additive manufacturing expo in Japan.
Hidehiko Suyama, Managing Director of Altech, said the following: “We are proud to enter into a partnership with Prodways. During the recent partners conference and upon visiting their premises, we could see the strength and innovation of their industrial high resolution 3D printers via MOVINGLight® and of their powder sintering technologies. Our company has been targeting additive manufacturing in Japan since 2007: this market has experienced massive growth in just a few years, and the product range has expanded through this growth. We are convinced that Prodways has all the necessary resources to meet the professional and industrial demand via products and a sales strategy in perfect keeping with our current equipment offer. We believe in our partnership with Prodways in the long term.”


  • First sale of printers via a partner in Asia

Prodways also announces the signature of a call for tender in Korea, involving the sale of two 3D printers via a partner in Asia:
SNC, Prodways’ partner in Korea, recently announced the sale of two 3D MOVINGLight® printers (one ProMaker L7000 and one ProMaker L5000) to one of the most trusted public research and R&D institutes in Korea.
This institute has been developing applications for additive manufacturing since the 90s and has the latest 3D printing technology.
The ProMaker L7000 will be dedicated to industrial applications (such as the creation of casting models), whereas the L5000 will target medical applications (such as the printing of surgical guides).
This is our first sale of a machine via a partner in Korea. SNC is the official partner in this region for the MOVINGLight® range offering high productivity combined with an unequaled resolution for the printing of very high-quality parts.
These announcements strengthen the positioning of Prodways in Asia and confirm its rise to becoming the third-largest world player offering multi-technological services and all 3D printing solutions to its customers.