
Prodways announces the signature of 2 new partnerships with Ostec Corporate Group and Lino Group.


Only one week after the announcement of the extension of its market coverage to Russia and Poland, Prodways, subsidiary of Groupe Gorgé announces the signature of 2 new partnerships agreements with Ostec Corporate Group and Lino Group.


Ostec Corporate Group is one of the largest engineering companies in Russia and former Soviet Union offering efficiency-enhancing engineering and consulting services for the electronics industry. Ostec was established in 1991 and since then has implemented over 2,500 innovations projects in a wide range of sectors such as electronics and power engineering, industrial equipment or telecommunications.

In addition to the modernization projects, Ostec Corporate Group also provides further technical support for its clients. Their support is based on innovations and includes regular technical audits, upgrades and maintenance… Consequently, Ostec Corporate Group choose to partner with Prodways in order to offer its unique and proprietary MOVINGLight® technology to the Russian market.

Based in Athens, in Greece, Lino Group is a leading systems integrator in S.E. European region providing software, hardware, service and materials to the digital printing industry. Lino Group has been investing to extend their business in the 3D printing industry during the last year in the additive manufacturing market. As a supplier for the DLP® (Digital Light Processing) based 3D printing technology hardware range based on MOVINGLight® technology and the PLASTCure range of premium materials, Lino Group will supply, service and provide technical support for the S.E, European regions.
Lefteris Havouzis, Managing Director at Lino s.a. comments, “Lino Group is extremely pleased to be working in partnership with Prodways. It is a great success story for this innovative technology to be further engineered and launched into the 3D printing market. We believe this exciting product range from Prodways will complement both our own business portfolio and the general additive manufacturing industry very well.”

With those 2 new partnerships agreements, Prodways extends again its market coverage and confirms the relevance of its positioning in the market for professional applications in 3D printing.